Jyothi Vedurada   Name and Address

I am an assistant professor at the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. My research interests are program analysis, program understanding, automated concurrency testing, and high-performance computing. Prior to joining IIT Hyderabad, I was a post-doctoral researcher at Microsoft Research Lab, Bangalore. I received my PhD (+M.Tech) from IIT Madras, supported by the TCS PhD fellowship. Before that, I worked as a Software Engineer at Hewlett Packard, Chennai.


M.tech Students

Saim Khan Saim Khan (Mtech TA)
Project: Efficient ANN on GPUs
Tamal Mondal Tamal Mondal (Mtech RA)

PhD Students

Soumik Kumar Basu Soumik Kumar Basu
Khathik V Kathik V

Note: I am looking for both graduate and undergraduate students with good programming skills and are broadly interested in topics such as program analysis, programming languages, concurrency testing, compiler optimizations, parallelization, etc.

  • Google Research exploreCSR Award 2021

  • "Distinguished Paper Award" for the paper titled 'MonkeyDB: Effectively Testing Correctness under Weak Isolation Levels' at OOPSLA 2021.

  • "Distinguished Reviewer Award" for the work on the OOPSLA 2019 Artifact Evaluation PC.

  • "Institute Research Award" in recognition of my PhD thesis work.

  • Tata Consultancy Services PhD fellowship.

  • Ranked 1st in the Student Parallel Programming Challenge hosted by IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC) 2016.

  • "STAR TA Award" for contributing as a Teaching Assistant at IIT Madras.

  • Awarded ACM SIGAI, ACM-India/IARCS, Microsoft Research India travel grants (to attend ASE 2019); Microsoft Research India travel grant and ACM SIGPLAN PAC funding (for OOPSLA 2018); IEEE TCPP funding and ACM-India/IARCS travel grant (for IPDPS 2018); ACM SIGSOFT CAPS funding (for ICSE 2017); Student travel grants (for HiPC 2016 & IPDPS 2015).

      Invited Talks
  • BANG: Billion-Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search using a Single GPU. Invited talk at 2nd Workshop on 'Present and Future Computing Systems' at IISC, Bangalore. Dec 1, 2024.

  • Leveraging Large Language Models for Effective Software Development Practices. Invited talk at Mahindra University, Hyderabad. May 8, 2024.

  • Leveraging Large Language Models for Effective Software Development Practices. Invited talk at GenAIforSE workshop at ISEC 2024 conference at Bangalore. Feb 22, 2024.

  • Navigating Academia: Lessons from a PhD Journey and Faculty Career -- Research in Compilers and HPC @IITH. Invited talk at ACM ARCS 2024 at NISER Bhubaneswar. Feb 9, 2024.

  • Unlocking CPU-GPU Heterogeneous System Performance through Compiler Optimizations and Parallelization. Invited talk at NSM HPC Week at IIT Madras. Nov 23, 2023.

  • Efficient Points-to Analysis Techniques Suitable for Resource-Bound Environments. Software Engineering Research in India (SERI) Update Meeting. IISc Bengaluru, July 2019.